On October 26th, along with Pastor Don Overstreet, we shared our testimonies and signed the church's Statement of Faith and Church Covenant. First, we are accountable to God and now we are accountable to each other to grow, rebuke, and edify one another towards Christ-likeness.

Those present were Pastor Don Overstreet, Rey & Yoli Tibayan, PJ & Frances Tibayan along with Elijah and Key, Nina & Dennis Tibayan along with Danika, Ele & Heather Nepo, Ben & Ruby Bratcher along with Brave and True, Angela Murillo, Jennifer Rosales, and Louie Casas.
It was a definite blessing to hear how God has changed each of our hearts and how each came to realize his/her own need for a Savior. It is only by God's grace that we are here.
Praise God for what he has done!
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