Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Application questions for Mark 2.18-3.6

Use this in personal meditation or in Mission Small Group discussions or in personal conversations. You should talk about it with someone though.
  1. How do you plan on making the absence and second coming of Jesus more prominent in your life, words, thoughts, family, relationships, and work?
  2. How will you fast for the absence and return of Jesus? Do you plan on intentionally doing this regularly or randomly? When's the next time you're going to fast from something for Jesus' absence and return? John Piper was asked:
    You speak of fasting for the King's coming. How do you mean for that to happen?
    1. Out right fasts for the coming of Jesus.
    2. More commonly we are to pray for the coming of the kingdom all the time. Matt. 6:9; Maranatha! And we are to evangelize to hasten the day of God (Matthew 24:14; 2 Peter 3:12). Fast to intensify prayer and evangelism.
  3. What religious practices or routines have you been doing that have not been about Jesus in your life or in the church's life lately?
  4. How do you plan on using the Lord's Day as a Sabbath rest to enjoy God, refocus, and recharge for another week of mission in the home, workplace, school, and neighborhood?
  5. What commands of God do you need help seeing as good for you to enjoy the Lord Jesus?
  6. How is your response to Jesus lately? Is it indifference? Is it joy? Is it trembling? The Pharisees were indifferent and hardened to Jesus and this happened to the disciples too.
  7. Why should we celebrate the cross of Jesus Christ in light of the discussion on 3.1-6? How can we make the cross more central to our community life and personal lives?

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