Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Reading the Bible One to One with Non-Christians at USC

We recently kicked off our student ministry at USC (Disciple USC). At the ministry fair we asked the incoming students who came to the fair, “Why did God send you to USC? And how does that shape you?”

Students had all kinds of answers from “to get a degree,” to “study a particular discipline,” to “I don’t know.” One student said, “To be salt and light.” And that was what we were trying to get at, that God sent these Christian students to USC to make disciples of others and explain the gospel to those God has appointed for them to come across.

The most interesting conversation was with 3 students from China who didn’t know how to answer the question. One of them answered, “To learn about Christianity?” These 3 didn’t know about Christianity and came to the fair because they wanted to learn about it. So I tried to share the gospel with 2 of them. They had very little knowledge of Christian categories like God, sin, substitution, and faith vs. works (side note: for how D. A. Carson would approach this, go here). I don’t know how well I answered their question but we did schedule to meet for lunch so that I could explain Christianity to them. We’ll be reading the gospel of Mark and using these sheets from One to One Bible Reading: A Simple Guide for Every Christian as a guide to our weekly readings over lunch. Below is the pdf at the bottom of which is the 8 sessions on reading through the gospel according to Mark. I hope it is helpful for you.

One to One Bible Reading Sheets for printing

This is a cross-post with God is Better than All and the TGCLA blog.

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