Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Rhythms of Life as a member of God's church

Here are the rhythms of life pursued by The Edge Network of churches in the UK that I've found helpful:
Each week we respond to the identity that God gives to us in his grace by trying to B. L. E. S. S. others through what we do.

B. We bless
Each week we aspire to bless others in our Christian community and local neighbourhood in word, action or gift at least three times.

L. We listen
Each week we aspire to listen to God, looking for him to guide us through his word and Spirit. And we listen to people around us to understand their stories and the story of our culture.

E. We eat
Each week we aspire to eat or have a drink with people outside our immediate family at least three times, offering friendship and community.

S. We speak
Each week we aspire to tell people the story of Jesus and our story of Jesus, making Jesus a normal part of our conversations. And we speak to God through prayer, recognising our dependence on him in all things.

S. We sabbath
Each week we aspire to spend time in rest, praise, play, partying and creativity.

Here are the rhythms of the churches of Soma Communities in Tacoma, Washington:
We understand, experience and intersect with God's Story and other's.

We set aside regular times to listen to God both backward and forward.

We gather together to celebrate God's extravagant blessings.

We intentionally bless others through words, gifts or actions.

We regularly eat meals with others to invite them into the community of God.

We take time to rest, play, create and restore beauty in ways that reflect God to others.

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